In this circus of life, it is my gift to connect people with their most authentic and naked essence.
For there is nothing but joy.
I believe that unconditional surrendering to life takes away the clutter and turns darkness into light.
Game over
Maries is a certified sexological body worker with lots of experience in
the field of holistic massage, de-armoring, breath-work, yoga &
emotional release. With his strong presence, trustable energy and
sensitive touch, he brings a grounded and loving attention to all his
sessions. By learning to hear and listen to the wisdom of the body his
clients are able to live authentically, feel passionately alive, and enjoy
their bodies. Maries has a unique way to unite the body & soul and to
create body awareness through conscious touch, using his own energy
flow and intuition.
Maries has followed trainings at the following teachers and organizations, and has compiled his own unique way of working from this:
- De’an Matuka – Love core
- Susanne Roursgaard – Gaia methode
- Sanna Sanita
- De-armouringtraining .com
- David Deida
- Mantak Chia
- Andrew Barnes
- Sascha Cobra – Seed to transformation
- Betty Martin – Wheel of consent
- Wild tantra
- The new tantra
- House of tantra
- Yin Yoga
- Kundalini Yoga
- Robert Boustany – Pralaya Yoga
- En diverse massage opleidingen